January 6, 2010

NewsLetter 1 (Jul 2007)


In this day and age of the image, a picture does speak for a million word, and it is the greatest power behind communication.
I believe that one of humanity's biggest achievements, was the ability to sketch, draw or photograph itself. Because in doing so, it has created its own time machine.We are able to freeze a moment in time, our most precious, intense moments, memories and dreams.
One single image can take you back in time, or give you a taste of a near and far future.
Having this power in hand, we better use it for the best and the better of its abilities.

My name is Habib Feghali, and I believe in the image, and using it in the right context.
Whether a Logo, an illustration, a character design or conceptual drawing , having the right style and feel, is all an idea needs for a full impact.
And this is what habibfeghali.com is all about.

This newsletter will keep you updated on what's new on the site at least once a month, with new posts and images. And feel free to send emails and feedback on the things you like and the ones you dislike, or any inquires and I'll be more than happy to reply.

Look around you,and you will notice that everything is branded with some kind of image, you judge it, and try to make a difference.

Best Regards



© '' Planet earth & other anomalies™'' is under copyright, and is not to be used or duplicated in whole or in part; without written permission from Habib Feghali.

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